Why Choose Grain Free Dog Food

Why Choose Grain Free Dog Food

There are SO many foods to choose from, its hard to know what is best for your dog. Here at Natural Choice Pet Foods, we stock only grain free food & treats and here are a few reasons why...

Healthier Coat

Your dogs coat can be a reflection on their diet. For example, if it seems dull and rough it could be due to lack of nutrients in their diet. Switching to grain free can change the appearance and bring back your dogs bright, shiny coat which in turn is a sign of good health.

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Improvement to Skin

Grain doesn't just effect the coat, it can cause their skin to become itchy, irritated, dry, inflamed. By moving to a grain free diet, it can improve & keep your dog’s skin in top condition. Due to having fewer carbohydrates, grain free food is full of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids which help give your dog healthy skin.
why choose grain free dog food

Smaller Stools

The least exciting part of having a dog, by far! With grain free dog food, it is found that their stools are more compact and they're more likely to not need to go as often. Less grain means there is less for your dogs tummy to digest, dogs find cord and wheat hard to digest properly which means it's removed from their bodies by their stools. So without the need to do that as there is no grain, the body instead absorbs the food as its full of nutrients your dogs body needs.

why choose grain free dog food

Improves Smelly Breath

A dogs smelly breath is largely down to their diet. Grains tend to leave a film over your dogs teeth therefore increasing the amount of bacteria in your dogs mouth. This will get washed away with water and saliva but if not, the bacteria can leave a dreadful smell. Grain free food leaves no film on their teeth meaning their breath will be significantly improved. Brushing their teeth can help, or buying healthy, natural treats that are crunchy and full of goodness. 

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More Energy & Better Behaviour

Dog food that contains processed grains is usually found in cheaper dog food. These grains have often had a lot of their fibre taken away which means your dog will use up the energy the food has given them faster than those on a grain free diet. Just like humans, dogs can be energetic one moment then suddenly crash as the blood sugars lower, causing them to feel lethargic. Grain free food gives your dog the nutrients and goodness they need to have more energy and be more active. You'll often find their concentration when training will improve too, as well as their behaviour. 

why choose grain free dog food


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