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Low Value & High Value Treats

Low Value & High Value Treats

Finding the perfect training treat isn't often as easy as you think it will be. Often dog trainers will say you need a 'high value reward' and they will relate to some treats as a 'low value reward'. But what does this mean? 

The difference between high and lower value treats

Lower value treats are ones your dog is used to, for example, their kibble. While your dog will still work for them, their motivation may be less. These are usually great to use when your dog has learnt a skill or behaviour and is happy to receive anything for that action.

High-value dog treats are ones that your dog absolutely loves, and will pretty much do anything to get. They should be treats that your dog doesn’t get on a regular basis, so they’re exciting each time. When teaching new skills, your dog will work harder at working out what you're asking for with a high value treat.


Examples of a high value treat

Cheese - Squeezy cheese or small cubes of different cheeses 

Liver Cake - A favourite for lots of dogs!

Hot Dog Sausage - Cut into small easy to eat pieces

100% Meat Treats - Natures Menu Training Treats, 


Examples of a lower value treat

Kibble - Grain free, high meat will work a treat.

Feelwells - A crunchy cheesy treat.

80% Meat Treats - Our own brand grain free training treats with 80% meat.


When to use a high value treat and a lower value treat 

If you are solely giving your dog a high value treat, it wont be long before that turns into a low value treat. A bit like us, if we keep having the things that we class as a treat all the time, the novelty will wear off and become less exciting.

The high value treats work best when you're beginning to teach a something new. So when you're shaping a behaviour keep giving those high value treats then once the dog has an understanding and responds correctly, start to decrease the amount of high value treats and convert them to your low value treats.

You will need to think about the environment you're training in. For example, in your home your dog may present to you the perfect sit or down etc but try and ask them for that same behaviour outside... it might be a bit tricky. This is where you have to strategically think about what treats you have with you. High value reward for the more difficult environments and low value for behaviours that are solidly trained and you know they are going to be able to achieve. 


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