Enrichment Easter Treat Hunt FOR DOGS
Want to get your dog involved in the Easter festivities? Why not host their very own “Enrichment Easter Treat Hunt”!
The first thing we must remind you is… NO CHOCOLATE! Chocolate is toxic for our furry friends and any amount of chocolate is very dangerous for dogs.
Laura Jenner, Veterinary Surgeon from Arun Veterinary Group, has given some very important information about dogs & chocolate...
Be aware that dogs should not be joining in with hunts for chocolate easter eggs over the Easter weekend!
Chocolate contains the chemical theobromine which at the very least can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, restlessness and a racing heartbeat. More worryingly some cases can progress to muscle tremors, seizures and heart failure. Please do your very best to keep these away from your pets, particularly if you have visiting family or small children who may not be aware of the risks associated with consuming these rather yummy treats!
If you find that your furry friend has eaten chocolate, then call your Vet immediately as they need treatment as soon as possible to prevent toxicity. Sadly this involves making the dog vomit to get the chocolate out of their system, which obviously isn't very pleasant, so do try to keep them away from it!
Arun Veterinary Group provide their own emergency service by vets you and your pets know. Please be reassured that our sister practice South Downs Emergency Vets on our premises, are open 24 hours a day through the Easter weekend with experienced, qualified staff on site to provide advice or treatment - should you need us. From September 2021, we will be opening a new independent 24 hour hospital in Chichester, in addition to our flagship hospital in Storrington, so there will always be a local Vet available 24/7
Finally if in doubt, please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to chat over the phone even just for reassurance. Call us 24/7 on 01903 746028
Laura Jenner BVetMed PGCertSAS MRCVS
Veterinary Surgeon
So instead you’ll need...
A selection of their favourite treats & a long lasting chew as the big gift at the end of the hunt. You can build your own treatbox to have your dogs favourite natural treats & chews, click here to build yours!
There are a couple of variations to this game that you can try…
First up: Treat Hunt
You can hide the treats in different places at home, we’d advise hiding treats on, or close to, the ground so you don't create unwanted behaviours by encouraging your dog to jump and climb up on things. Also, keep the hiding spots simple, e.g. behind curtains or under a bush. This will keep the game fun without your dog needing to tip or knock anything over to find the treats. Once they’ve found all the hidden treats they can go on the search for the grand prize! Your dog will love following the scent of the treats, finding them all as they head towards that long lasting chew!

Second: Kong Treat Hunt
Place a treat in a Kong and hide it! This is a safer alternative to filling a plastic egg, so encourage your dog to ‘find it’ by making it exciting and asking them to “find it” or ask them, “whats this?!” Once they’ve found it, allow them to retrieve the treat from in the Kong, pop another in, hide it again and repeat a few more times, once the hunt has been completed they can find their long lasting chew!
No treats? No problem!
If you don’t have any treats at home but you’d like to give this a try, you can make your own treats! We’ve partnered with Sussex County Dog Training to bring you The Canine Bakery course on their online school. There are lots of recipes to make healthy, delicious treats for your dog!
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