Pork Rolls!
Product of the Month May – Pork Rolls
In the spotlight this month are Pork Rolls!

Pork rolls are made of 100% air dried pork skin, making them an incredibly healthy 100% natural chew for your dog.
Pork is a quite misunderstood meat for our dogs! We may think of sausages, or fatty crackling, or much perpetuated myths that it is not suitable for our hounds- but in actual fact pork is a wonderfully nutritious and much overlooked option, with some cuts being as low fat as chicken!
Pork is high in Vitamin A which is essential in helping the immune system function alongside maintaining eye health, high in all the B Vitamins (Including Thiamine and Folic Acid!) which are involved in many cellular processes throughout your body, including energy and neurochemical production, as well as red blood cell formation.
Pork is also an excellent source of the minerals Copper (contributes to immune system), Iron (Supports blood cell function), Magnesium (Critical for lots of processes including the nervous system), Manganese (supports bone health and connective tissue), Phosphorus (essential for ones and teeth), Potassium (helps blood pressure and muscle function), Selenium (is an antioxidant that helps prevent oxidative stress and reduces the increase of inflammation in your dogs system) and Zinc (supports your body’s immune system).
Pork can a great protein choice for dogs with intolerances too! Most protein intolerances are of the two most commonly fed protein sources; chicken and beef- but because Pork is not often our first meat choice, it can be an excellent option for the more sensitive tums!
Pork Rolls have no artificial colourings, grains, flavourings, additives - They are literally 100% air dried pork skin. These pork rolls are thick, chewy and approximately 10inches long. They are great treat that help improve your dogs dental health by massaging the gums and reduce plaque build-up as they chew.
All these factors help make Pork rolls an exciting new option for your dog to try!
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